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A Spiritual Treasure Trove


Webpages sparkling with the beauty of God
and filled with his love;
pages teeming with encouragement
and gleaming with eternal joy

If you are so eager to explore this fascinating website that you cannot wait another millisecond, go to Search, but before clicking on whatever links entice you could you spare a few moments to let me ease you into this unique site?


This is not a typical front page for a major website but this is not a typical website. My goal is not to be slick – and certainly not commercial – but to be uncompromisingly real.


I’m a rarity in that my involvement in the Internet is not some add-on to an otherwise crammed agenda; I give it top priority because – other than financially supporting myself – I focus solely on this ministry. This is why for the last 17 years I have managed to keep personally reading and promptly replying to e-mails.


I’m Grantley Morris, the one who tarnishes God’s glory by being the human component of what I long to be God’s website. I’m the quirky author of many hundreds of large webpages on this site and co-author of the rest. NetBurst.Net – equivalent in size to several full length books and the product of decades of work – is my gift to you. There are no charges, no advertisements and donations are not even sought. I would rather go without than miss an opportunity to serve you.


I yearn to so yield to the Lord Jesus that you find every page on NetBurst.Net shimmering with the divine and brimming with life-changing truths. Nevertheless, none of us can claim infallibility – and certainly not me. I emphasize this in Truth: An Awesome Responsibility. You should read that. I don’t want you getting any inflated ideas about me – or anyone else. Rather than con anyone into revering me, I much prefer exposing all my failings. I do this humorously but frankly in Who is Grantley Morris?  I have slipped, however, if I am in view at all. I want the focus to be solely on God and on everyone he grants me the undeserved privilege of blessing. The Infinite One is not just fiercely passionate and terrifyingly different; he is heart-meltingly warm and soft and approachable (More). I ache for the honor of being divinely used to speed you into greater joy, wholeness and fulfillment through an even richer, more exciting intimacy with the God of the universe than you have so far enjoyed.


For those who insist, a deliberately brief outline of my beliefs is provided. It is brief because genuine Christians are vitally important regardless of their doctrinal stance. My goal is not to convert believers to my own doctrinal preferences, nor even to mention them. There are sufficient people with that passion. My heart cry is to encourage, support, and especially to inspire you to fall even more in love with Jesus; enjoying an ever-deepening, more passionate companionship with the One who has all the answers, so that he – and certainly not me – captivates you and leads you into all truth.


Since every Christian is so fervently loved of God as to be of infinite importance to him, I long to avoid even slightly offending any of his precious ones. I do my utmost, but I reel over the appalling reality that merely including something far superior to my thoughts – a Bible text – is a divisive act. No matter what Bible version I quote from, some of God’s beloved will feel offended by the choice. Likewise, no one can mention a single famous Christian outside the Bible without some believers objecting (see My Dilemma).


God’s heart is deeply moved by anyone who is hurting, so I devote many webpages to encouraging people whose suffering is rarely understood by average Christians. I believe the Lord has graciously given me a little insight but again I emphasize my fallibility, in stark contrast to God’s infallibility.


Although most of NetBurst.Net is in written form, audios of two of my full length books are provided. Whilst one is primarily for those interested in a music ministry, the other is for everyone: Waiting for Your Ministry. In humor, writing style and several other ways, this book is the pinnacle of my writing. For sheer entertainment, its only rival is my fiction, and yet even there I strive not only to entertain but to make it a spiritually moving and enlightening experience.


Although most of the pages are only in English, I’m thrilled that some are available in other languages.


For the meaning behind the name and the logo and more, see What is NetBurst.Net?

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