Just a short note on email communications.

If you have positive feedback, Grantley needs the encouragement, so please don't hesitate to drop him an email.
He immensely regrets, however, not having the health needed to provide personal support. (His chronic fatigue has currently worsened to the point where it is like trying to function physically and mentally after being chronically sleep deprived for months.)
Nevertheless, any need for personalized support is minimal because he has devoted virtually his entire life to creating a website packed with all the help he can possibly give, and totally without charge.
A complication associated with his worsening health was a mistake that caused much of the vast website to go offline. It is being restored as fast as finances and available expertise allow.
(If you are interested in contributing, ways you might be able to help include proofreading, computer expertise, or finance, please email us with an outline of what interests you, or how you could help.)
An archive of the site can be found here if you wish to search specific topics that have not yet been added to the new website.
We are not sure how long the archive will be available, but for now it is still there.

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