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Writer's picture: Grantley MorrisGrantley Morris

Supernatural Help

A Prayer

The following is exactly what appears in the webpage you have been reading, with very simple changes such as “God” changed to “you” to turn it into a prayer.

Lord God,

Like so many other people, I’ve wrestled with the issue of blame, and nothing I’ve tried has brought me peace. I need a new approach.

I ask for a revelation of how real and powerful Jesus is and how him suffering undeserved pain, shame and blame can bring me supernatural healing.

Of course, you are not human, and yet having had my trust violated by a human has made it hard for me to love and trust anyone – even you. Cold logic might say there is no reason to fear that you might act like a sinful, fallible human, but what I’ve suffered seems so overwhelming that it clouds my perception of everything.

Living, as I do, in a world crammed with people who pretend to love, just to get their selfish way – or even well-meaning people who unintentionally end up hurting others – it is hard to believe that you are so different. If, however, you are morally perfect, and filled with genuine love that has no trace of human selfishness, then you truly are trustworthy. If you have infinite knowledge and wisdom, you must understand me even better than I understand myself. And if you really are love – not lust – then you will be patient and understanding as I try to reach out to you.

To be healed and freed from this oppressive burden of blame, I need to stop blaming myself, blaming others, and blaming God. But on one or two points this seems beyond me. I need your help. And blame must go somewhere. Grave offenses have occurred. Justice must be done. If you are truly a good God and a God of justice, then satisfying the need for justice must be an even bigger issue with you than with me – and it is huge with me. At the same time, being both faultlessly good and loving, you long to forgive and want offenders to change. Meeting all these requirements is simply too much for any human. Help me to trust you to do it – and do it well. I hand all blame over to Jesus, not because he deserves it but because if he somehow died for the sins of the entire world, he must want to take this burden from me.

Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that you swapped places with me on the cross, bearing the full consequences of all that has happened to me. You fully paid my debt to justice. So I choose to honor you by no longer accepting as my debt what you have already suffered so much to pay in full. Instead of me carrying it any longer, I hand over to you all my fear, pain and guilt, and if ever I again slip into accepting responsibility for my past, I will again put my trust in you by handing it back to you.

I thank you that your healing work has begun in me. Help me to keep trusting you, so that you can complete the healing you long to perfect.



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Not to be sold. © Copyright, Grantley Morris, 1985-1996, 2011, 2018 For much more by the same author, see No part of these writings may be sold, and no part may be copied without citing this entire paragraph.
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